Area of Injury

Orthopedist in San Diego, CA

Broken Arm in San Diego, CA
Arm Injuries
You may have an arm injury if your arm is twisted, bent out of shape, feels cold, looks blue, is numb or tingling, is hard to move, is in pain, is tender, is swollen, is bruised or is you heard a snap or pop.

>> Common Arm Injuries

Broken Elbow in San Diego, CA
Elbow Injuries
You may have an injury if your elbow is in pain, is swollen, is numb, is tingling, is weak, has a decreasing range of motion, is bruised or is sore. Please note that hitting your “funny bone,” while very uncomfortable, is probably harmless.

>> Common Elbow Injuries

Broken Finger in San Diego, CA
Finger Injuries
You may have an injury if one or more of your fingers is in pain, is swollen, is bruised, cannot support any weight, is numb, is tingling or is dangling awkwardly from your hand.

>> Common Finger Injuries

Broken Hand in San Diego, CA
Hand Injuries
You may have an injury if your hand is numb, is tingling, is swollen, is bruised, is twisted, is bent out of shape or is tender. You should also be concerned if all of your fingers have no movement. This may be a sign of a major injury to your hand.

>> Common Hand Injuries

Broken Neck in San Diego, CA
Neck Injuries
You may have an injury if your neck is stiff, is in pain with arm pain, is numb, is tingling or is swollen. You should also be concerned if one or both of your arms are weak.

>> Common Neck Injuries

Broken Shoulder in San Diego, CA
Shoulder Injuries
You may have an injury if your shoulder is twisted, is bent out of shape, has an unexplained lump, is tender, is numb, is tingling, is unmovable, grates, snaps, pops or is bruised. You also need to be concerned if you arm is pale, white, blue or cold.

>> Common ShoulderInjuries

Broken Wrist in San Diego, CA
Wrist Injuries
You may have an injury if your wrist is twisted, bent out of shape, is tender, is in pain, is numb, is tingling, grates, pops, snaps, is swollen or is dangling from your arm. Also be sure to see a doctor if your hand or fingers are a different color or not moving.

>> Common Wrist Injuries

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